Marselus - Czech republic
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The RAM Quick-Grip™ device mount is capable of holding a broad range of electronic devices. The spring loaded mechanism and the adjustable side keepers allow for a secure grip on your device. Whether it is a cell, GPS, blue tooth speaker or anything that will fit in the dimensions of the cradle, your electronics will be secure.

Included is a set of two nuts and bolts to connect the cradle to any RAM components or mounts that contain the universal AMPs hole pattern (All our GPS holders have this pattern). Rubber caps are included for additional support for the top and bottom fingers.

Rozsah držáku:
Výška telefonu: 146–184 mm
Šířka telefonu: 66–92 mm
Tloušťka telefonu: 0–18,3 mm

Materiál: Vysokopevnostní plast

(we reserve the right to change the description and specifications without prior notice)